Dear Universe, What does it mean to be free?

The answer is as individual to each of us as our fingerprints.

I sent a short story to a friend to critique. He came back with “What does it mean to be free?”A question, of course, posed in direct relation to the story. However, it is a question that has set off in me a firestorm of questions, ideas, thoughts. It is a question burning through each breath desperately seeking an answer.
Freedom is something I have been struggling to achieve. I have been yearning for more than money. Yet, I have more freedom this most. I know this. I am single. No kids.
But it is my freedom I seek.
My own fingerprint of freedom.

We ask for things. We pray for that which will deliver us from the current state or situation we’re in. And that’s it. There’s never a definitive solution we ask for. We just ask. Please help. Take me from this. Therefore, the universe doesn’t know where to take us, to guide us. It just picks us up and drops us somewhere. Anywhere out of that situation.
My ask for freedom from a situation was indeed at last granted. I was liberated.  Only to find myself  bound in another situation. What is my idea of freedom? To create the life I want. What is the life I want?

I’m not a planner. At all. I’ve never laid out the  steps to my life, my future  like a compass to my perfect reality. But, I’m learning I need to at least define what I want without simply tossing ambiguous words out into the world. What you give, you get. It’s as simple as that.

What frightens me is that money has such a grip on our ‘freedom.’ It’s what helps us eat, have a warm place to sleep. Without, what? How can money possibly equal freedom?

Job. It’s why we live? Money. Freedom? That just doesn’t sound right. Do we belong to ourselves? Or are we traipsing through a life belonging to someone else? Are we in a waking dream belonging to someone else?

What does it mean to me to be free. Maybe the answer is far simpler than I realize. Or just as complicated. For some, the answer is clear, simple. Others, not so much.

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